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Private Sessions

Working privately with Judith Hendin can help you resolve a wide range of personal or professional issues, from healing pain or illness to enhancing your career. In these sessions you will develop a deeper understanding of yourself and bring forth valuable qualities that can expand your life.

Private sessions may include any of these modalities:


  • Voice Dialogue – Discover the inner voices that influence who you are and who you can become. Meeting your inner selves gives profound insights, and offers previously unforeseen ways to address many issues.  


  • Conscious Body – Learn how to communicate with your body and discover the life-changing insights contained in any physical condition, from a minor symptom to a serious illness. Developed by Judith Hendin in the early 1990s, Conscious Body is a powerful adjunct to medical treatment, and may speed your healing process, as well as bring significant transformation in your life.


  • Trauma Work – If you have experienced trauma, either when you were a child or as an adult, Trauma Work Based on the Energies of Selves can help you move sensitively and safely through the voyage of trauma recovery.

Location: Private sessions are available via Zoom, Skype, or telephone. NOTE: The essence of Judith Hendin’s work is energy—the energy of inner selves. Energy can be sensed and worked with very effectively online or on the phone. She has done thousands of sessions in this way, with people from all over the world. 


Length: Private sessions are typically one hour. Some clients find that their issues are better addressed in longer sessions of 1¼, 1½, or 2 hours.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Private Sessions

For questions or to schedule a session,

call 610.330.9778

or email:

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