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Trauma Training

The value of doing trauma work from the perspective of inner selves and their energies is immense. You will learn to see every aspect of trauma work as a self—every emotion, every behavior, every dilemma—and you will learn to dialogue with these selves with tremendous depth.  

You will learn to:

  • Facilitate selves that allow you to meet the Hurt Child, the self that holds the trauma.

  • Use the principle of opposites to reveal conflicts in trauma issues.

  • Meet unusual selves that are part of the trauma landscape.

  • Allow the traumatized body to express its anguish.

  • Apply this work to all types of trauma.


Who this training is for?

  • Professionals who want to integrate this approach into their current practice

  • Other professionals, students, and interested persons who want to understand trauma better, from a Voice Dialogue perspective

  • Individuals on their own trauma journey who want to gain insight through the lens of selves and energies. Please note: This training is not a way to fully process your own trauma; that would require individual attention.

Training in Estonia

A Training in Estonia

For Organizers

If you would like to bring Judith Hendin to your location to teach, either in person or online, visit our Organizers' page.

Trauma Training Content

Building a Foundation

  • Consult the Gatekeeper, the self that has concerns about working with trauma

  • Who is doing the work? Recognize selves that are, in fact, running sessions

  • Meet selves that maintain the basic functions of everyday life, such as eating, working, and driving, so trauma work can proceed without disrupting the routines of everyday life

The Importance of Energy

  • Discern the energies of selves with subtlety

  • Rationality - find its gifts and limitations

Deepening the Work: Meeting the Hurt Child

No matter at what age trauma occurred, the Hurt Child is an inner self that carries the trauma experience. This self holds the extreme emotions, feelings, physical sensations, and other energies that were involved in the trauma.

  • Meet the Hurt Child, indirectly, to protect its tremendous vulnerability

  • Meet the Hurt Child directly, when it feels safe
  • Discern many energies of the Hurt Child
  • Distinguish the Hurt Baby
  • Find how the Hurt Child continues to be present in current life
  • How to be with the Hurt Child -- "Erring by Caring"
  • Empower the Hurt Child, not by trying to make it feel better, but by listening to and witnessing its pain and anguish

Moving Energies

  • Emotions and the No Emotion self

  • Anger and the No Anger self

  • The Hurt Body that has a voice of its own

  • Processing all the energies of any trauma, thoroughly

The Selves of Memory

If someone senses that they experienced trauma, but they do not retain actual memories, there are selves that can help find the memory. After that, you will meet the self that believes the memory, and the self that doubts it, and hold both sides of the question.

Support from the Unconscious

  • Dreams

  • Conscious Body

During and after the training

Trauma Work based on the Energies of Selves is a subtle process,

so during and after the training,

you will benefit from exchanging sessions with other training participants,

or receiving sessions from an experienced facilitator.

Frequently Asked Questions:


Frequently Asked Questions:

Trauma Work



+1 (610) 330-9778    

P.O Box 1449, Easton, PA (Pennsylvania)  18044  USA

copyright 2025-2026 Judith Hendin

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