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Conscious Body & Voice Dialogue


Voice Dialogue

Conscious Body

Broad Range  of Energies

In a Voice Dialogue session, the client generally experiences only one or two energies.

In Conscious Body, the facilitator guides the client through several distinct energetic steps. These include:


  • Intake to gather the history of the body symptom, which is a rational discussion

  • The Gatekeeper self that feels reluctant to do this work

  • Deep relaxation

  • The symbolic realm of the bodypsyche, which is like entering a dream

  • The disowned self behind the symptom with its particular energy

  • The energetic flow of this newfound self through the body, to potentially bring healing


The subtle intrusion of rationality into Voice Dialogue facilitation sometimes goes unnoticed.

Conscious Body pays particular attention to this issue. When searching for the “self behind the symptom,” it is crucial for both client and facilitator to stay out of their rational minds and let the process unfold from the depths of the non-rational bodypsyche.

Finding the Disowned Self

A cardinal rule of Voice Dialogue is to talk first with the primary self (a self that we identify with) and then to address the disowned self (the opposite self which is hidden).

In Conscious Body, that rule must be broken. Rather than beginning with the primary self, we begin with the symptom. As we do Conscious Body with the symptom, a disowned self nearly always emerges, and so we must talk to it right away. Then later we dialogue with the associated primary self.

Discerning the Selves

In Voice Dialogue, after initial discussion with the client, the facilitator has a general sense of the self or selves that will be worked with in a session.

In Conscious Body, the facilitator has absolutely no idea what self will appear as the “self behind the symptom.” Therefore, it takes real expertise to be able to listen for and discern the new self that is appearing. This is a major part of the Conscious Body Training.

Connecting Deeply with the Inner Child

Some Voice Dialogue facilitators are well-trained in the energetic depth and variety of the Inner Child, while others see this Child more as a concept.

In Conscious Body, the Inner Child comes up most often as the “self behind the symptom,” and the Conscious Body facilitator interacts with it with finesse.

Working with Emotional Expression

While Voice Dialogue addresses selves that carry emotion, it does not emphasize emotional expression per se.

Conscious Body, on the other hand, features the expression of emotion—sadness, fear, joy, anger—because these unexpressed emotions commonly appear from body symptoms. The full expression of these emotions often brings improvement or complete healing of the physical condition.

Moving Energy

Voice Dialogue brilliantly acknowledges the energetic component of selves.

Conscious Body builds on this to help the client experience the energy of the newfound self and actually move this energy through the body symptom to bring physical healing.

Here are ways in which Conscious Body expands on Voice Dialogue:

About Conscious Body

About Voice Dialogue

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Conscious Body

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Voice Dialogue



+1 (610) 330-9778    

P.O Box 1449, Easton, PA (Pennsylvania)  18044  USA



copyright 2025-2026 Judith Hendin

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